I loveheart asians
I love Asians so much.
you wouldnt believe how much I love asians
I wish I were asian.
Sometimes I pretend my friends are asian by squinting my eyes
this inturn makes me look asian
Asia is an amazing place!
It's full of wonderful people and awesome technology
One time my uncle was mugged by asians in sydney
I dont believe this is true
asians are so peaceful, they would never mugg others.
My bet is that the people who mugged my uncles were just mean people wearing asian masks
I bet they were croations
Croation people are strange!
1st generation croations don't like my ripped jeans
2nd generation croations tell me to get my licence
and 3rd generation croations are overweight and have big hair (excluding my brother because he's a freak of croation nature!)
Only croation people would hate asians so much to impersonate them and mugg my uncle.
You know what?
India is in asia
but indians dont look asian
Indians are pretend asian
My friend suni is half Indian
Its not her fault she's immitation asian
she loves me so much she tried to be a little bit asian for me
That is nice of her
None of my other friends tried to be asian for me
except CHANG!
Chang is so cool!
he's so asian!
He can do everything better than other people
you know why??
Because he is ASIAN!!
he can play violin, download mp3s and do maths at the same time!
I love asians!!

This is James Iha
He is an awesome asian
he plays for A Perfect Circle and he used to play for the Smashing Pumpkins
How cool is that?!
I should write a haiku about asians
asians invented haiku!
that's how awesome they are!!
My teacher scott has an asian tattoo on his arm
I dont know what it means
but it's asian!
That must mean that scott likes asians
maybe scott is asian
My friend Bec has asian writing tattooed on her arm
It means "I hate Craig"
I bet she hates Craig because he's not asian
Thats understandable
My boyfriend is craig and he has asian curtains in his room
they look like giant pants
Asians are so cool
they make curtains that look like pants!
Craig used to have an asian friend live with him
Craig is so lucky!!
nice site, keep up the good writing
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