Montag, November 22, 2004


I didnt really know what to title my blog.

I went to the markets yesterday to sell my paintings and got really sunburnt!
It hurts.

I was thinking the other day...
Y'know when you get off, The exact moment of the peak a thousand things go through your head all at once.
I always try to remember the last thing. I try not to think about it when it's happening otherwise getting off is not as good.
The other day the last image in my head was a noose. I dont know why. It was just a noose.
One other time it was a witch.
It's like your brain goes spastic for a split second and shoots randon images.

Just a thought.


At 2:46 PM, Blogger lucibel said...

Thanks, I really wanted to know that.

You could've gone into a little more detail, my mental picture was a bit hazy.


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