Dienstag, November 30, 2004

Tomorrow's just an excuse away

So I'll hold my head up and take the blame.... or something like that.
I'm finnished here.

Y'know, weird things happen. They happen everyday to everyone. They even happen to me.
One particular weird thing that happens to me is when I finally pluck the balls to tell someone how I really feel They end up liking me more.
eg. A girl I went to school with who I had never spoken to and who didnt like me was on msn. (I added her for fun) She got angry at me for adding her so I told her she was a stuck up bitch and so are her friends and they only pretend to like her. She then broke down and told me a heap of stuff and gave me her number.

This happens a lot!

I went to Yoga last night and it was really good. I like Yoga

Cruising along

well I have to give a presentation to a bunch of Indian people in Canberra next Tuesday.
Then the company can start rolling.

Vous avez su que je ne peux pas parler français très bien. J'utilise juste un traducteur.

Montag, November 29, 2004

last week

This is the Last week of Tafe this year.

I'm going to be on Big Brother next year, I've decided.

Holly came over yesterday. We ate sausage rolls. I make good sausage rolls.

Y'know if you look at enough sites you can get free samples from places!
I love it.

Mittwoch, November 24, 2004

Another Wednesday

One day I'm going to go to Denmark and I'm going to their technical and further education campus and I'm going to sit in their computer room and talk in english really really loud just because I'm spiteful.

Fucking danes

Dienstag, November 23, 2004

Blue berry danish haiku

I went home at lunch
To eat a blueb'ry danish
It was awesome fantastic.

Anyway, Music jamboree is back on!
I love you John safran.

Montag, November 22, 2004


I didnt really know what to title my blog.

I went to the markets yesterday to sell my paintings and got really sunburnt!
It hurts.

I was thinking the other day...
Y'know when you get off, The exact moment of the peak a thousand things go through your head all at once.
I always try to remember the last thing. I try not to think about it when it's happening otherwise getting off is not as good.
The other day the last image in my head was a noose. I dont know why. It was just a noose.
One other time it was a witch.
It's like your brain goes spastic for a split second and shoots randon images.

Just a thought.

Samstag, November 20, 2004

Seen the Grudge?

If you havent:

Mike Morris

Shit I'm funny.


At least Holly thinks I am.

Dienstag, November 16, 2004

Jesus prefers cocktail umbrellas

in his martinis rather than small paper pineapples.

But the department of education wont allow that sort of talk.



I've finnished editing my commercial for my film assignment.
It's stupid.

Two and a half weeks of school left.

Unsound was on the weekend.
Shit it was good!
It's probably the only place in the world where you'll see:

*A father saw off pieces of his guitar so his son and wife can build block towers.
*A teenage boy in Klu Klux Klan getup playing a kazoo.
*or some guy making music by rubbing his face on glass, then taking a bite out of the glass, then the glass just falling to peices in his hands.... then just walking out like nothing was going on. There was fucking blood all over him.

Lucas.... what a nut case. Well at least he wasnt passed out under the table in the foyer before he had to play, like Bradbury.
Bradbury bought a beer for Lucas and ended up giving it to me, I don't know why.

During the day we went to a farm and then to Coolamon. The singing wires on the farm were great. Coolamon was pretty good too, everywhere had discounts for Unsound season pass holders.
I was a Unsounds worker so I got my pass for free!
We even got a free beer at the pub. Lucas was drunk by lunch time and was beaten at pool by a 10 year old. The bus ride to the uni he was complaining the whole time about needing to urinate, as soon as the bus stopped he ran off and pissed against a tree in the uni car park.
We watched a few short films and things in the uni textiles rooms, lucas and Bradbury got the screen printing stuff out and were putting pictures on their clothes.
It was a pretty good day. One girl thought I was one of the artists/musicians.

Unsound = strange weekend.

Dienstag, November 09, 2004

I'm bored

I want to go home but I left my keys inside. I have to go home with Craig.

Mittwoch, November 03, 2004


I love CNN. I love CNN so very much.
I am being updated to the micro second on the presedential election.

Montag, November 01, 2004

Ce week-end

Est allé voir un festival de film à gauche tôt. Voilà. Apart from that, I cleaned my house. Will and Kane came over,